
Libraries Read: 1 Book 2016

Libraries Read: 1 Book 2016

“Is Google making us stupid?” Nicholas Carr asked, in a celebrated Atlantic Monthlyshallows cover story. Carr delves further into the question in his book The Shallows: What The Internet Is Doing To Our Brains, the selected title for “Libraries Read: 1 Book.”

MCLS invited library staff across Indiana and Michigan to place votes on one of four titles to select one book that we will all read and discuss together for professional development. Nicholas Carr’s book captured the most votes. In The Shallows, he explores the net’s intellectual and cultural consequences.

MCLS then encouraged library staff to read the book throughout June and July, then join us in a Twitter chat and regional discussions about the book.

According to Randy Dykhuis, MCLS Executive Director, “During 2014, MCLS conducted a series of community conversations with librarians throughout Indiana and Michigan, utilizing the tools from the Harwood Institute for Public Innovation.  The desire to have discussions in many formats, and to communicate with one another outside of our silos was a recurring theme.  By reading one book together, we aim to create deeper connections among libraries that span geographic and other boundaries.”

Book Discussions

Book discussions took place through Michigan and Indiana, July - August 2016. Dates and locations of the discussions are below:
  • July 21, 2 pm Eastern.  Twitter Chat.

    Indiana Discussions
  • August 2, Monroe County Public Library, Bloomington, IN
  • August 3, Lake County Public Library, Merrillville, IN
  • August 4, Indianapolis Public Library Service Center, Indianapolis, IN

    Michigan Discussions
  • August 5, MCLS, Lansing, MI: This discussion was led by Michigan librarian extraordinaire Kevin King, Head, Branch and IT Services Kalamazoo Public Library
  • September 29, Peter White Library, Marquette, MI: This discussion was part of the Upper Peninsula Region of Library Cooperation (UPRLC) meeting.