
Policies & Procedures


RIDES Policies


RIDES Procedures


RIDES participants have two options for shipping - Pack or No Pack. Any library that would like to participate as a No Pack library must notify MCLS via the RIDES Assistance form. 

RIDES will not accept responsibility for damage, liability, nor will they reimburse, for items shipped through delivery without packaging.

Libraries that participate as No Pack accept full financial responsibility for their own books and may not invoice borrowing libraries or RIDES for lost or damaged books sent without packaging.

Basic Procedure


Lending Library Procedure


Borrowing Library Procedure


Item Type Packaging Instructions

A/V and non-book materials

Shipping and supplies

Delivery site responsibilities

RIDES Incoming sign word-icon.png
RIDES Outgoing sign word-icon.png

Participating libraries agree to abide by the RIDES Policies and Procedures.


Infestation detection and solutions


Non-compliance disciplinary action:

  1. Contact:
    • Library staff will contact the RIDES contact at the non-compliant library.
    • If the issue continues, library staff will contact the Director at the non-compliant library (if different from the RIDES contact).
    • If this does not resolve the issue, library staff shall notify the RIDES Coordinator to contact the RIDES contact at the non-compliant library, and the Director if necessary.
  2. Written reprimand:
    • If the non-compliant library does not comply within one month, the RIDES Coordinator will issue a written warning of suspension.
  3. Suspension:
    • If the non-compliant library does not comply within one month, participation in RIDES will be suspended for a period of two weeks. Credit will not be issued.
  4. Termination of service:
    • If the non-compliant library does not comply after a two week suspension, RIDES service will be terminated and a credit issued for any remaining time in the annual subscription period.

Problem reporting and resolution

If your library experiences any of the situations cited below, please complete the RIDES Assistance form. Options on the form include:

Damaged Materials

MeLCat Lost/Missing Materials

Non-MeLCat Lost/Missing Materials

Non Delivery


Closing Information


Recurring problems will be investigated and negotiated by the RIDES Coordinator.

To view your RT tickets go to https://rt.mcls.org/ new-window-icon.png

Damaged material procedure

The library that *receives* a damaged item, whether lending or borrowing, should:

  1. Contact the library that sent the material within 24 hours of receipt to investigate where the damage may have occurred and whether the item was packaged properly.
    • If either the lending or the borrowing library receives service from a central delivery site, question that facility as well.
  2. If it is believed that the damage occurred while in transit with RIDES, report the damage as soon as possible via the RIDES Assistance form / Damaged Material.
  3. Send the damaged item, along with any original damaged packaging, to MCLS (ZY001) via RIDES. Include the Damage Report ticket number, replacement cost, and any other pertinent emails or paperwork.
    • If the item is wet submit photos with the RIDES Assistance form.
    • Send all information within 60 days of the damaged report or forfeit the right to RIDES reimbursement.

Lost/missing material procedure

RIDES Procedures: Simple Missing Workflowpdf-icon.png
RIDES Procedures: MeLCat Lost/Missing Workflow chart pdf-icon.png

Watch the Missing in Action: RIDES Lost and Damaged Procedures recorded webinar (MeLCat Wiki Username/Password required).




RIDES Lost/Missing report tickets submitted more than 60 days after the item was sent via RIDES will be closed after 30 days.

RIDES Lost/Missing report tickets that are submitted for No Pack Lending Library BOOKS will be closed after 30 days.


Reply to the RIDES report ticket email any time the item is recovered or no longer appears on the 'In Transit Too Long' or 'Returned Too Long' report and the ticket will be closed.




Contact information




No Contact Delivery Spot


COVID-19 Quarantine/Cleaning Information

Updated 3/11/2022