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Oxford University Press makes digital resources available to users in a variety of institutions including academic, public, corporate, medical, and law libraries. They provide digital editions of many acclaimed scholarly and reference works, as well as academic and research journals. Both the journals and online resources cover subject areas across the Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences, Medicine, and Law, and offer excellent functionality for teaching and research. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxfordnew-window-icon.png It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

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AMA Manual of Style

The AMA Manual of Style is a guide for anyone involved in medical and scientific publishing. Users can access the full-text of the print book, plus online only content including monthly quizzes, blog posts and updates. This is the go-to resource for producing articles and research papers that are well-organized and authoritative.

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American National Biography

Discover the lives of more than 18,700 men and women - from all eras and walks of life - who have influenced and shaped American history and culture. From astronauts to missionaries, chemists to musicians, and cowboys to Vikings the portraits combine to reflect the rich diversity of American life, from pre-colonial times onward.

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Benezit Dictionary of Artists Online

Since its first publication in 1911, the Benezit Dictionary of Artists has become one of the most comprehensive and definitive resources of artists’ biographies available. Benezit can be searched alongside resources including Grove Art Online, providing art historians, curators, dealers, collectors, and students with an unrivalled starting point for art research.

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Digital Reference Shelf

Created from Oxford's award-winning print scholarly references, these e-reference resources are fully searchable with remote access available anytime, anywhere. Buy any number of titles to fit your library's collection needs and deliver Oxford's authoritative reference content to your users' desktops and laptops.  Oxford Reference Online subscribers may access and search any DRS titles within the ORO interface.

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Digital Reference Shelf Black Women in America

The second edition of Black Women in America, edited by Darlene Clark Hine, provides expanded coverage of the achievements and contributions of African American women.

Winner of the Dartmouth Medal for Outstanding Reference Publication of 1994, the first edition of Black Women in America broke new ground—pulling together for the first time all of the research in this vast but underrepresented field to provide one of the strongest building blocks of Black Women’s Studies. Hailed by Eric Foner of Columbia University as “one of those publishing events which changes the way we look at a field,” it simultaneously filled a void in the literature and sparked new research and concepts regarding African American women in history. In nearly 600 entries, Black Women in America celebrates the remarkable achievements of black women throughout history, highlights their ongoing contributions in America today, and represents the new research the first edition helped to generate.

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Digital Reference Shelf Dictionary of American Family Names

The Dictionary of American Family Names contains more than 70,000 of the most commonly occurring surnames in the United States, giving their comparative frequencies, linguistic and historical explanations, selected associated forenames, and occasional genealogical notes. The product of a ten-year research project gathering the contributions of thirty linguistic consultants led by Editor in Chief Patrick Hanks, it explains the meanings—some intuitive, some amusing, and some quite surprising—of the family names for more than 90 percent of the U.S. population.

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Digital Reference Shelf Encyclopedia of Evolution

A comprehensive guide to the essentials of evolutionary biology, these entries by leading experts survey essential concepts and theories, present methods, models and findings, and discuss both the history of the field and current controversies. Readers will find brief treatments on discrete concepts and individuals to illuminating lengthy essays by towering figures in the field. Topics include: Darwin, natural selection, human origins, behavioral ecology, diversity, mathematical models, and cell and developmental biology. Special essays include Stephen Jay Gould's “Macroevolution” and Jane Goodall and Elizabeth Vinson-Lonsdorf on “Culture in Chimpanzees.”

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Digital Reference Shelf Encyclopedia of Global Change

Encompassing tsunamis, elephant conservation, ocean pollution, mining regulation, and permafrost melt, the 300 authoritative articles in this unique and wide-ranging encyclopedia investigate all types of phenomena that change life on Earth. The entries cover a range of general research categories: altered ecosystems, climate change, food and water supply, population, politics and global change, institutions and policies, biographies, and case studies.

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Digital Reference Shelf Encyclopedia of Popular Music

This encyclopedia's 30,000 entries cover all genres and periods of popular music from 1900 to the present day, including jazz, country, folk, rap, reggae, techno, musicals, and world music. The expanded Fourth Edition includes thousands of new entries on trends, styles, record labels, venues, and music festivals. Key dates, biographies, and further reading are provided for artists covered, along with complete discographies that include record labels, release dates, and a 5-star album rating system. Included in this Oxford Digital Reference Shelf edition are online-exclusive entries that originally appeared on Oxford Music Online.

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Digital Reference Shelf Encyclopedia of Rhetoric

The Encyclopedia of Rhetoric is a comprehensive survey of one of the Western world's oldest disciplines. Its 150 entries, written by leading scholars, bring together expertise in classical studies, philosophy, literature, literary theory, cultural studies, speech, and communications in a comprehensive treatment of the art of persuasion. The Encyclopedia is the most wide-ranging reference work of its kind, combining theory, history, and practice, with a special emphasis on public speaking, performance, and communication.

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Digital Reference Shelf Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment

Covering the “long” Enlightenment, from the rise of Descartes' disciples in 1670 to the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy in 1815, these 700 articles by leading scholars range from discussions of mercantilism and democracy to the battlefield to the dissemination of ideas in salons and coffeehouses. Breaking conventional geographical boundaries, coverage includes not only Western Europe but also North America, Brazil, and Iberian, Russian, Jewish, and Eastern European cultures.

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Digital Reference Shelf Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages

A collaborative work of over 600 scholars from more than forty countries, the Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages provides 3,000 concise and detailed articles on all aspects of the period from the fifth to the fifteenth century. It explores art, architecture, religion, law, science, language, philosophy, and theology, as well as cultural, religious, intellectual, social and political history. With a focus on focus on Europe and Christendom, the Encyclopedia also covers the rise of Islam and people of other cultures with whom Europeans came into contact.

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Digital Reference Shelf Grove Encyclopedia of Classical Art & Architecture

The Grove Encyclopedia of Classical Art and Architecture is the most current and comprehensive reference resource for the visual arts of the Classical period. It features an abundance of in-depth articles on this field of enduring importance—from biographies to thematic entries on architecture, ceramics, metalwork, mosaics, painting and sculpture. The resource provides fascinating and authoritative art historical and cultural information about art forms, artists, rulers, philosophers, architecture, renowned works of art, archaeological sites and stylistic developments. Notable important subjects include the Apollo Belvedere, Carthage, the Euphronios krater, the Laokoon, Troy, the Venus de Milo and much more. Encompassing over four thousand years of artistry and innovation, this resource spans every art form, medium and civilization from Cycladic, Minoan, Helladic, and Etruscan art to the fall of the Roman Empire.

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Digital Reference Shelf Grove Encyclopedia of Decorative Arts

The Grove Encyclopedia of Decorative Arts contains over 3,000 entries covering thousands of years of decorative arts production throughout western and non-western cultures. Explore the works of Alvar Aalto and Charles and Ray Eames, or learn about the history of Navajo blankets and wing chairs in thousands of entries on artists, craftsmen, designers, workshops, and decorative art forms. Also included are hundreds of entries on the qualities and historical uses of materials, concise definitions on art forms and styles, and in-depth articles discussing the history of armor, jewelry, furniture, textiles, and ceramics. Enriched by more than 600 black-and-white illustrations and over 100 color photos, this reference is essential for any general reader, collector, curator, or scholar interested in this rich and varied field.

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Digital Reference Shelf International Encyclopedia of Dance

With nearly 2,000 articles written by scholars from fifty countries, the Encyclopedia covers the full spectrum of dance—theatrical, ritual, dance-drama, folk, traditional, ethnic, and social dance. Cultural and national overviews are accompanied by entries on dance forms, music and costumes, performances, and biographies of dancers and choreographers.

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Digital Reference Shelf Oxford Companion to World Exploration

From Antarctica to the North Pole, The Oxford Companion to World Exploration offers information on all topics of exploration worldwide, including advances in navigation, the discovery of the New World, polar expeditions, and the space age. In addition to examining the lives and expeditions of heroic and influential explorers, the book covers navigational and marine sciences and ranges from ancient cultures through modern space exploration. With articles from leading scholars, this landmark set offers students, scholars, and amateurs a treasure of information on this dynamic field of study.

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Digital Reference Shelf Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

With more than 5,000 entries by an international group of eminent historians, this is the standard research tool on 1,100 years of Byzantine history. Exhaustive in its coverage, entries on patriarchy and emperors coexist with entries on surgery, musical instruments, and the baking of bread, bringing to life this vastly important culture and empire, from the 4th century to the 15th.

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Digital Reference Shelf Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance

This dictionary provides rich detail on all aspects of the Renaissance in 14th to 17th century Europe. It includes comprehensive coverage of the art, literature, science, culture, philosophy, religion, economics, history, and conflict of the period. The text explores the influence that this intense intellectual and cultural revival continues to have on modern thought and society. Nearly half the entries are biographical, covering artists, thinkers, statesman, and reformers. A table of European ruling houses and a table showing the dates when cities and countries changed from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar are also included.

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Digital Reference Shelf Oxford Encyclopedia of American Literature

This award-winning Encyclopedia surveys the vibrant terrain of American literature in 350 essays from leading scholars, encompassing the range and depth of American literary history from the 1600s to the present day. The Encyclopedia includes essays on poets, playwrights, essayists, and novelists, as well as major works and essays on literary movements, periods, and themes. No mere catalog of dates, events, and synopses, the Encyclopedia's articles offer historical perspective and social context along with a range of possibilities with regard to critical approach.

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Digital Reference Shelf Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

Featuring 600 original articles written by leading scholars, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt goes far beyond the records of archaeology to make available what we know about the full social, political, religious, cultural and artistic legacy of this 5,000-year civilization.

The Encyclopedia offers the most complete picture available of ancient Egyptian civilization, from the predynastic era to its eclipse in the seventh century CE. Here is the Egyptian world in illuminating, accessible detail: art, architecture, religion, language, literature, trade, politics, everyday social life and the culture of the court. Of special interest is the coverage of themes and issues that are particularly controversial—such as the new theories of the origins of complex society in the Nile Valley, new discoveries about Greco-Roman Egypt, and new developments in literature, religion, linguistics and other fields, including the debates about Egypt's African legacy.

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Digital Reference Shelf Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature

The Encyclopedia provides comprehensive coverage of literature from the Abbey Theatre to Israel Zangwill, covering the entire history of literature in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland in the major literary languages (Anglo-Saxon, English, Welsh, Scots, Irish, and Latin). It includes substantial accounts of individual authors (e.g., Spenser, Pope, Austen) and detailed histories of particular themes, movements, genres, and institutions, whose impact upon the writing or the reading of literature was significant (e.g., The Stationers' Company, the sonnet, the ‘School of Night, ’ or the Sublime).

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Digital Reference Shelf Oxford Encyclopedia of Children's Literature

Written by an international roster of more than 300 authors, the Encyclopedia comprehensively documents and interprets the books read by children throughout the world. With a global perspective that pays attention to significant international trends and the multicultural expansion of the field, it includes brief biographies of every major author and illustrator. Also included are feature essays on all genres of children's literature, individual works, and prominent trends and themes, as well as general essays on the traditions of children's literature in many countries throughout the world.

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Digital Reference Shelf Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History

International in scope and spanning all time periods of human history, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History includes 900 original articles by noted scholars from more than thirty-five countries. Articles range from 500-word entries on inventors, theoreticians, and industry leaders to overarching, 8,000-word essays on markets, industries, and labor. With coverage ranging from accounting and advertising to zoning and zoos, this landmark works stands at the busy intersection of history and the social sciences.

The general conceptual categories of the work are: Geography (entries on cities, countries, and regions); Agriculture; Production Systems, Business History, and Technology; Demography; Institutions, Governments, and Markets; Macroeconomic History and International Economics; Money, Banking and Finance; Labor; Natural Resources and the Environment; and Biographies.

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Digital Reference Shelf Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America

In 700 original, intriguing articles—from “Apple Pie” to “Zombie”— The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America covers the significant events, inventions, and social movements in American history that have affected the way Americans view, prepare, and consume food and drink. A collaboration of nearly 200 contributors from academia, industry, and the culinary world, the articles treat regions, people, ingredients, companies, advertising, historical eras, holidays and festivals, and political, scientific, and economic currents pertinent to American cuisine. Although this is a scholarly work with a generous bibliography concluding every article, readers will be delighted and captivated by the entries' engaging anecdotes and informative sidebars.

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Digital Reference Shelf Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos/Latinas in the US

This landmark scholarly work offers comprehensive, reliable, and accessible information about the fastest growing minority population in the United States. With an unprecedented scope and cutting-edge scholarship, the Encyclopedia draws together the diverse historical and contemporary experiences in the United States of Latinos and Latinas from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Central America, South America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Over 900 A-to-Z articles written by academics, scholars, writers, artists, and journalists, address such broad topics as identity, art, politics, religion, education, health, and history. The Encyclopedia fills a void in the historical scholarship of an underserved population.

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Digital Reference Shelf Oxford Encyclopedia of Maritime History

The Encyclopedia covers the entire history of seafaring, from ancient Egyptian shipbuilders to the nuclear submarines and supertankers of today. Over nine hundred articles written by leading historians examine all aspects of maritime history, including naval history, shipbuilding, biographies of major figures, navigation and scientific instrumentation, maritime art and literature, commerce and economics, and international law. Placing maritime affairs in their larger historical context, the Encyclopedia shows how seafaring has both reflected and influenced the major economic, cultural, military, and political developments in world history.

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Digital Reference Shelf Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Culture

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures is the first comprehensive reference source to chronicle Pre-Hispanic, colonial, and modern Mesoamerica, defined as the lands stretching from Mexico to the southern tip of Central America. With more than 600 articles, it is invaluable for those interested in the rich heritage of this land. Encompassing the great civilizations of the pre-Columbian era (including the Olmec, Aztec, and Maya peoples) up through the colonial and postcolonial periods, the Encyclopedia covers art, archaeology, religious studies, anthropology, history, and historiography of the region in fully cross-referenced, signed articles by the leading scholars in the discipline.

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Digital Reference Shelf Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance

This encyclopedia provides authoritative and up-to-date information about theatre and performance from ancient Greek theatre to the latest developments in London, Paris, New York, and around the globe. In addition to performances in playhouses, it covers dance, opera, radio, film, television, and popular performance, including carnivals, circus, and public executions. Entries range from short definitions of terms to lengthy considerations of genres and movements, such as feminism and psychoanalytic criticism. Entries on cities and regions place performance in its local social and political context. Written in accessible language, this encyclopedia brings together an international cast of over 300 specialist contributors.

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Digital Reference Shelf Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World

Through its fluent global coverage, The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World provides information about major world developments from 1750 to the present, with close attention to social, economic, cultural, and political topics.

The Encyclopedia contains articles on world events; countries; organizations; regions; ethnic groups; and themes such as social history, demography, family life, politics, economics, religion, thought, education, science and technology, and culture. It offers coverage of standard geographic and ethnic units—such as Scandinavia, Korea, or the Gypsies—in the modern period. Significant institutions such as the International Red Cross and the League of Nations are treated at length. Comprehensive coverage enables readers to broaden their research outside a particular time or region and to explore topics within the context of modern world history.

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Digital Reference Shelf Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation

The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation is the definitive source for information about the entire range of religious and social changes that altered the face of Europe in the sixteenth century, encompassing not only issues of church polity and theology but also developments in politics, economics, demographics, art and literature. This broadly cast, interdisciplinary definition allows for a comprehensive social and intellectual history of early modern Europe.

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Electronic Enlightenment

Electronic Enlightenment is a multidisciplinary, evolving resource that brings the past to life, allowing the user to explore the relationships and the movement of ideas of the early modern period through its web of correspondences. Eavesdrop on the private conversations and thoughts of a wide range of both “great” figures such as Voltaire and Rousseau, and also the lesser-known, from bankers to booksellers, merchants to mathematicians, and scholars to servants.

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Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather

For most of history, humans have made every possible effort to accurately foretell the weather, evolving from the use of guesswork, rule of thumb, and signs in the sky to the development of contemporary forecasting techniques drawn from two scientific disciplines, climatology and meteorology.

The Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather, Second Edition, summarizes this knowledge with each entry featuring numerous cross references, definitions of weather and climate-related terms, as well as additional sources for further study.

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Encyclopedia of Evolution

A comprehensive guide to the essentials of evolutionary biology, these entries by leading experts survey essential concepts and theories, present methods, models, and findings, and discuss both the history of the field and current controversies. Readers will find entries ranging from brief treatments on discrete concepts and individuals to illuminating lengthy essays by towering figures in the field.

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Encyclopedia of Global Change

Encompassing tsunamis, elephant conservation, ocean pollution, mining regulation, and permafrost melt, the 300 authoritative articles in this unique and wide-ranging encyclopedia investigate all types of phenomena that change life on Earth. The entries cover a range of general research categories: altered ecosystems, climate change, food and water supply, population, politics and global change, institutions and policies, biographies, and case studies.

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Encyclopedia of Linguistics

The Encyclopedia encompasses the full range of topics in linguistics, including such areas as historical, comparative, formal, mathematical, functional, philosophical, and sociolinguistics. Special attention is given to interrelations within these branches of the field and to relations of linguistics with other disciplines. This interdisciplinary focus makes the encyclopedia an invaluable resource not only for linguistics but also for scholars working in the fields of computer science, mathematics, philosophy, the social and behavioral sciences, and literary studies.

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Encyclopedia of Semiotics

The Encyclopedia of Semiotics is a comprehensive reference guide to concepts in semiotics, sign theory, and cultural studies. Three hundred entries by leading scholars in a variety of fields—from anthropology and literary theory to linguistics and philosophy—survey the study of signs and symbols in human culture. These articles cover key concepts, theories, theorists, schools of thought, and issues in communications, cognition, and cultural theory. From introductions to Barthes and Bakhtin to analyses of gossip and myth, this is a valuable reference for students, scholars, or anyone interested in language, symbols, and the transmission of information. Clear, well-written entries make the scholarship accessible to both experts and nonspecialists, and the text is complimented by twenty color illustrations.

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Encyclopedia of Women in World History

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History, edited by Bonnie G. Smith, captures the experiences of women throughout history in a far-reaching, four-volume work. Although there has been extensive research on women in history by region, no other text or reference work has comprehensively covered the role women have played throughout world history. With over 650 biographies of influential women and over 600 topical articles covering topics such as geography and history, culture and society, organizations, movements, and gender studies, Women in World History is the definitive reference work in the field.

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Financial and Banking Law

Financial and Banking Law (FBL) combines breadth with depth in its tailored selection of key reference works in the field. This world-class collection includes titles covering many specialisms within the general field of financial law, including banking law, financial regulation and enforcement, financial litigation, capital markets and funds. With titles ranging from established texts, such as Mann and Proctor on the Law of Money and Derham on the Law of Set-Off, to more recent works providing innovative perspectives on current legal challenges, FBL defines this area of law with clarity and precision.

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Grove Art Online

Grove Art Online is a scholarly art encyclopedia, covering both Western and non-Western art. First published as the landmark 34-volume Dictionary of Art, edited by Jane Turner, the content of Grove Art encompasses all aspects of visual culture.

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Grove Music Online

Grove Music Online is an online resource for music research. Offering full-text access to music scholarship, online-only entries, and multimedia content it is the unsurpassed authority on all aspects of music.

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International Commercial Arbitration

nternational Commercial Arbitration (ICMA) delves into the intricacies of this specialized field through a curated selection of authoritative works. ICMA combines texts covering key arbitral bodies and jurisdictions with officially recognized and endorsed works detailing the rules governing specific arbitral bodies. Additionally, the collection features key treatises that explore various aspects of international arbitration practice in greater depth, from consent and annulment to the calculation of damages. With established works paired with important emerging scholarship, ICMA remains your key to fast, authoritative, and straightforward answers to any legal question.

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International Commercial Arbitration (ICMA)

International Commercial Arbitration (ICMA) delves into the intricacies of this specialized field through a curated selection of authoritative works. ICMA combines texts covering key arbitral bodies and jurisdictions with officially recognized and endorsed works detailing the rules governing specific arbitral bodies. Additionally, the collection features key treatises that explore various aspects of international arbitration practice in greater depth, from consent and annulment to the calculation of damages. With established works paired with important emerging scholarship, ICMA remains your key to fast, authoritative, and straightforward answers to any legal question.

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International Commercial Law (ICML)

International Commercial Law (ICML) brings together leading works on international business law. This extensive collection contains an unrivalled library of titles on the law of sale, and includes related areas, such as the laws of contract and agency, insurance, shipping, and the carriage of goods. Featuring a wealth of respected titles, including Schlechtriem and Schwenzer’s Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods and Bridge's The Sale of Goods, ICML equips you with the confidence and authority of world-renowned scholars and practitioners.

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Investment Claims

Investment Claims is a specialist service which has been described as “invaluable” by its users. Researchers have access to a fully integrated suite of arbitration awards and decisions, bilateral investment treaties, multilateral treaties, journal articles, monographs, and arbitration laws. We guarantee that content in Investment Claims is prepared and validated by experts to ensure that key issues can be researched quickly, that versions of treaties are accurate and up-to-date, and that the quality of citation, cross-references, and linking available through the Oxford Law Citator are unsurpassed in the field.

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Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law Online

The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law is a comprehensive online resource containing peer-reviewed articles on every aspect of public international law. Written and edited by an incomparable team of over 800 scholars and practitioners, published in partnership with the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law and updated regularly, this major reference work is essential for anyone researching or teaching international law.

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Mayo Clinic Toolkit

Launched onto Oxford Medicine Online in 2012, with the full-text of eight Mayo Clinic Scientific Press print titles, Mayo Clinic Toolkit provides a single location for resident, fellow, and practicing clinicians to undertake the self-testing necessary to prepare for, and pass, the Boards.

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New Oxford Shakespeare

The New Oxford Shakespeare presents an entirely new consideration of all of Shakespeare's works, edited from first principles from the base-texts themselves, and drawing on the latest textual and theatrical scholarship.

The three interconnected print publications and the online edition have been created by an international, intergenerational team of scholars under the leadership of Gary Taylor, John Jowett, Terri Bourus, and Gabriel Egan. The project's scope, depth, and vision provide the perfect platform for the future of Shakespeare studies.

"The New Oxford Shakespeare addresses 'the great variety of readers'–students, scholars, actors, writers, artists–in multiple formats, at multiple levels. It combines the best of previous scholarship with twenty-first century tools to find better solutions to old problems."
–Gary Taylor, General Editor

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OBO Atlantic History

Atlantic history is a fast developing field of historical inquiry that operates upon new assumptions about how to understand the remarkable nature of interactions between different peoples and cultures on four continents and many islands in the period between Columbus’ voyages to the New World in the late fifteenth century and the end of slavery in the Americas in the late nineteenth century. Its principal theme is the movement of peoples, ideas and things in the Atlantic World – a world encompassing the continents of Africa, Europe, North America and South America and many islands, from the Canary Islands near Africa to the Caribbean islands, and to Bermuda in the North Atlantic. The multiple movements were fundamentally important in shaping the modern world and in making cultural diversity a key component of modern identity.

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OBO Ecology

Oxford Bibliographies in Ecology is an extensive, annotated bibliography of the most important concepts and ideas in the discipline. Ecology is a wide-ranging field that has its roots in the observations and writings of the early plant geographers, including of course Charles Darwin. As ecology has developed it has drawn from classical ‘hard sciences’ such as chemistry and physics, but has its own unique identity and today brings in modern aspects of many other disciplines including other areas of the life sciences, and geography, mathematics, computing and statistics. Ecology itself forms the underpinning of Environmental Science. And so, ecology has much to offer. For Oxford Bibliographies in Ecology, topics from all the relevant areas have been selected; these include articles on autoecology, population, community, and ecosystem ecology, the main biomes of the world, as well as articles related to the synthesis of ecology with other disciplines including human ecology, agroecology, and chemical ecology, for example.

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OBO Environmental Science

Environmental Science arose from disparate disciplines as a distinct field in the last half of the 20th century. Initially fueled by awareness of environmental degradation, risk of species loss, and global climate change, it straddles the divisions and seeks to integrate synergies between them in research and application. This includes but is not limited to the physical sciences, the planning and social sciences, the health sciences, engineering, governance, policy, and more. Here, environmental physics, chemistry, and biology; risk analysis and public health; ecosystem governance, management, and planning; social and legal issues toward sustainability; and environmental engineering all come into play. Such complexity, which speaks to the cross-disciplinary nature of the science, also characterizes its diverse configurations in academia and research institutions. Oxford Bibliographies in Environmental Science engages this complexity. It provides the base for initiating, continuing, or expanding your research on all issues related to the environment and our interaction with it.

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OBO Evolutionary Biology

Evolutionary biology is a vibrant discipline that has never been more exciting. Technological and conceptual advances, such as genome sequencing and evolutionary developmental biology, are moving the field forward at breakneck speed. At the same time, application of evolutionary thinking to issues of societal concern, such as forensics or the origin of swine flu, has kept the field in the public’s eye. Of course, ongoing controversy about evolution makes public knowledge of the field important as well. What is particularly exciting right now is the nexus of two developments, which jointly allow an understanding of evolutionary processes never before possible. First is the ability to sequence entire genomes, and second is the means to study natural populations over long periods of time. Oxford Bibliographies in Evolutionary Biology guides scholarly research through the growing mass of unqualified academic output, offering selective annotated research paths that are insightful, increase productivity, and raise the level of quality in new scholarship.

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OBO Medieval Studies

The field of Medieval Studies explores European and Mediterranean civilization from the 4th to the 15th centuries. This period, which has a critical importance for the understanding of Western culture, can best be approached through a combination of several disciplines, from history to literature, from art to archaeology, from religion to gender studies. As such, it is constantly responding to the emergence of new interpretations and ideas for scholars to consider. In addition to the extensive scholarship which already exists, much of the most recent work has moved online so that today’s students and researchers have ready access to primary source texts and a range of other electronic resources.

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OBO Philosophy

Philosophy is one of the oldest areas of study with a long history of critical literature, and it remains a highly active field for new research and publishing. The number of books and articles published seems to increase every year. Much of the most recent work has moved online in one form or another, and older material that was once out of print or difficult to find is being made more easily available. The result being that today’s students and researchers have ready access to overwhelming array of potentially useful primary texts, journal articles, reference works, and a wide range of other resources. Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy is designed to provide authoritative guidance. In contrast to print bibliographies and electronic indexes that simply list citations, this innovative online reference tool will combine the best features of a high-level encyclopedia and the best features of a traditional bibliography put together in a style that responds to the way people do research online.

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OBO Public Health

Public health is a broad field of endeavor dedicated to addressing the health of populations. As a field of study it draws on many academic disciplines such as political science, sociology, history, and economics, as well as the established public health areas such as epidemiology, biostatistics and the infectious and chronic diseases. Over the years the field has become very diverse and has ventured beyond a biomedical view of health and illness. Because of the broad, extensive nature of public health, a vast amount of scholarship and research already exists. Scholars and professionals must constantly consider new discoveries, new interpretations, and new theoretical ideas in the field. The overlapping fields of practice involved in the study of public health make it challenging to stay informed about every applicable area.

Oxford Bibliographies in Public Health is designed to provide authoritative guidance to scholars, students and practitioners who are faced with the challenge of navigating the vast relevant information across disciplines and at all levels of scholarly research. It covers the key areas of public health, including public policy, non-communicable diseases, infectious diseases, social determinants of disease, and key issues of poverty, equity, and social justice. Besides the multiple disciplines that public health must draw upon for theoretical understanding, measurement methods, and empirical evidence, it must encompass the many newly arising concerns in public health such as the social determinants of health, opportunistic infection threats, global issues on equity, health in all policies, and governance to name just a few. The challenges to public health are reflected in the threats to whole populations and communities stemming from demographic, cultural, social and political differences and responses based on policy, administrative, economic and logistical realities. Up to date information is vital for appropriate responses from the field of public health. Oxford Bibliographies articles are reviewed annually to update and revise the content as the field continues to grow and change.

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OBO Renaissance and Reform

The period of the Renaissance and Reformation, which spans roughly from the 14th through 17th centuries, is rich in history and culture. The field of Renaissance and Reformation studies, which has a critical importance for the understanding of Western culture, can best be approached through a combination of several disciplines including history, the arts, and literature. In contrast to print bibliographies and electronic indexes that simply list citations, Oxford Bibliographies: Renaissance and Reformation provides an innovative online reference tool that combines the best features of a high-level encyclopedia and the best features of a traditional bibliography put together in a style that responds to the way people do research online.

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Oxford African American Studies Center

Oxford African American Studies Center is a comprehensive collection of scholarship focusing on the lives and events which have shaped African American and African history.

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Oxford Bibliographies Online

Developed cooperatively with scholars and librarians worldwide, Oxford Bibliographies offers exclusive, authoritative research guides. Combining the best features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia, this cutting-edge resource guides researchers to the best available scholarship across a wide variety of subjects.

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Oxford Companion to Food

The Oxford Companion to Food by Alan Davidson, first published in 1999, became, almost overnight, an immense success, winning prizes and accolades around the world. Its combination of serious food history, culinary expertise, and entertaining serendipity, with each page offering an infinity of perspectives, was recognized as unique.

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Oxford Companion to the Garden

This Companion is devoted to gardens of every kind and the people and ideas involved in their making. It combines a survey of the world's gardens with articles on a range of topics, such as garden visiting, horticulture, scientific issues, and the social history of gardens, as well as biographies of garden designers, nurserymen, and others.

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Oxford Companion to World Mythology

Covering all aspects of mythology, this Companion includes essays on the world's major mythological traditions (Greek, Native American, Indian, Japanese, Sumerian, Egyptian), along with retellings of better-known myths, and entries on mythological types, motifs, and figures (such as the Descent to the Underworld, the Hero, Creation, Odysseus, Spider Woman, and Inanna), and related subjects (such as fairy tales and legends). The Companion locates myth firmly in our lives today by exploring language patterns, psychology, religion, politics, art, and gender attitudes.

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Oxford Competition Law

Oxford Competition Law is the only fully integrated service to combine universally recognized market-leading commentaries with rigorous, selective National case reports and analysis from EU member states. Oxford Competition Law is a suite of fully interlinked competition analysis, peer reviewed case reports and source materials– the ideal resource for assisting with case preparation

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Oxford Constitutions of the World

Oxford Constitutions of the World is the only resource to contain fully-translated English-language versions of all of the world’s constitutions (both national & sub-national), accompanied by individual commentaries, supplementary materials, including foundation documents, historical constitutions, and amendment Acts/laws, and a collection of scholarly monographs.

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Oxford Dictionaries

Checking the meaning of a word, or finding the right word to use and how to use it or say it, is part of everyday work, study, and play. Oxford provides hundreds of thousands of definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and pronunciations for English across the world, derived from our language research and expert analysis.

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Oxford Dictionaries: Oxford Language Dictionaries Online

Oxford Language Dictionaries Online offers fully searchable online access to Oxford’s top-of-the-range, unabridged bilingual dictionaries in French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, and Chinese-plus unique online resources for language learning.

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Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

Explore the lives of over 59,000 people worldwide in this illustrated online collection of specially written biographies. This vast and authoritative resource covers individuals who have shaped all aspects of British history, from the Romans to the 21st Century.

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Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages

The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages is an essential new reference work covering all key aspects of European history, society, and culture from 500 to 1500 A.D., as well as the Byzantine Empire, Islamic dynasties, and Asiatic peoples of the era. It is designed both for medievalists, who need a detailed and reliable reference tool, and for students and general readers seeking an accessible guide to the period. Over 800 scholars have assembled thousands of comprehensive entries, lavishly supplemented by hundreds of illustrations and dozens of maps.

The Dictionary provides balanced coverage of both the whole geographical extent of the European Middle Ages (including Germany and Austria, Spain and Portugal, the Low Countries, and Central and Eastern Europe, amongst many others), and of numerous major topics, from art and architecture, medicine, and law, to archaeology, ecclesiastical history, and languages and literature.

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Oxford Digital Archive

Oxford University Press is now offering the Digital Archives to MCLS members at a discounted rate. The archives contain back issues of most OUP journal titles from 1849 to 1995, fully searchable and integrated with current content. The following subject-based archive collections are available:

  • Full Archive (142 titles for 2008)
  • The Humanities Archive
  • The Law Archive
  • The Medicine Archive
  • The Science Archive
  • The Social Science Archive
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Oxford Encyclopedia of American Urban History

The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Urban History synthesizes three generations of urban historical scholarship, providing a thematic and chronological overview of American urban history from the pre-Columbian era until the beginning decades of the twenty-first century.

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Oxford Encyclopedia of Martin Luther - 3-volume set

THIS is a wonderfully substantial reference work, published during the 2017 commemoration of the Protestant Reformation year, which will surely be a definitive source for researchers and students for decades to come. The editors are established scholars who assembled a splendid editorial board to provide a reference encyclopedia which draws on the expertise of scholars from a number of fields. Historians have been asked to engage the theological dimensions of the Reformation while theologians were asked to stretch towards history and take seriously the many non-religious contextual factors which were significant in shaping Luther and his world. Theological insights and social history are masterfully joined to provide accurate, realistic, and engaging presentations. These pieces summarize contemporary research and the state of the question for each piece, but also move scholarly conversations forward through analysis and insightful perspectives. The globalization of Luther studies—and the Luther legacy—are fully on display here. A word on special features of the encyclopedia is in order. The print version is also available online as part of the Oxford Research Encyclopedias. These online pieces will be updated over time with new research developments. The encyclopedia is intended to be a model of dialogue as it opens dimensions to new research, encouraging established scholars and graduate students to launch into next projects based on insights from the articles. A ‘Review of the Literature’ portion in the articles is especially helpful in focusing on important dimensions in the past and for the future.
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Oxford English Dictionary

The Oxford English Dictionary is widely acknowledged to be the most authoritative and comprehensive record of the English language in the world, tracing the evolution and use of words. The Oxford English Dictionary Online gives you not only the latest content of the full Oxford English Dictionary, but also the Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary, providing more depth and breadth than ever before.

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Oxford Handbooks Online

Oxford Handbooks Online is a collection of Handbooks in 14 subject areas. The Oxford Handbooks series brings together the world’s leading scholars to write articles that survey the current state of scholarship in their field. The articles review the key issues, reveal original arguments and concepts, and set the agenda for new research.

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Oxford Handbooks Online - Medicine & Health subjects: Neuroscience and Psychology

Oxford Medicine Online is a collection of online medical resources which cover every stage in a medical career, with world-renowned titles in over 85 specialty and sub-specialty areas. Anyone working in the medical profession will instantly recognize many of the series and titles we in publish from the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine to titles from the Mayo Clinic Scientific Press, to the Oxford Textbook of Medicine. Many of our titles have earned the epithet of 'the bible of' in their respective subject areas, and we are proud to bring the same values of quality and excellence to every work we publish. With online only videos, a robust updating programme, self-testing functionality, downloadable images and much more - this is a must-have for anyone needing authoritative information quickly.
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Oxford History of Western Music Online

The Oxford History of Western Music has received universal acclaim and major awards in the field and is now offered in an interactive digital format. Renowned musicologist Richard Taruskin’s sense of the interaction between history, culture, politics, art, literature, religion, and music provides a stimulating history of Western music.

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Oxford Journals

Oxford University Press (OUP) has more than 190 academic journals available online. The Oxford Journals collection consists of online journals from arts, social science, scientific, technical, medical, professional, and humanities disciplines.

Oxford University Press eJournal Title List  excel icon

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Oxford Journals-Publish

Publish portion of the Oxford University Press (OUP) eJournal Package Read & Publish Open Access Agreement. Oxford Journals-Publish provides for uncapped publishing activity by subscribing institution researchers in journals published by Oxford. No APC is charged to researchers with articles accepted for publication by Oxford journals. The Oxford Journals collection consists of online journals from arts, social science, scientific, technical, medical, professional, and humanities disciplines.
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Oxford Journals-Read

Read portion of the Oxford University Press (OUP) eJournal Package Read & Publish Open Access Agreement. The Oxford Journals collection consists of online journals from arts, social science, scientific, technical, medical, professional, and humanities disciplines.
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Oxford Medical Handbooks Online

Oxford Handbooks Online in Neuroscience brings together the world's leading scholars to write review essays that evaluate the current thinking on a field or topic, and make an original argument about the future direction of the debate. Currently in preview Oxford Handbooks Online in Neuroscience is updated monthly, growing with the field over time and becoming a premier source for sophisticated reviews on cutting-edge topics. Editor in Chief Gordon M. Shepherd, Professor of Neurobiology at Yale Medical School, and an Editorial Board of subject experts have additionally been appointed to guide editorial development and ensure that scholarship meets the highest standards for academic quality.
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Oxford Medical Handbooks Online

Oxford Medical Handbooks Online are the market leading series of pocket handbooks, written for a broad medical readership, from students, junior doctors and specialist trainees, to nurses, dentists, paramedics, and allied health professionals. The series began with the publication in 1985 of the beloved Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine. Starting life as handwritten notes to help the authors get through their junior doctor years, it is now the world's best-selling medical handbook. Since then the series has grown to around 50 books, covering medical specialties from paediatrics to geriatric medicine, and more.

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Oxford Medical Libraries Online

Oxford Medical Libraries Online are a collection of comprehensive titles divided into individual specialty libraries, summarizing up-to-date research, and delivering advice applicable to the clinical setting. Available as 11 separate library collections, the online editions of the Oxford Medical Libraries are fully cross-searchable, with enlargeable hi-resolution images, which can be downloaded into PowerPoint, and links to references and further reading material. What is more, the convenience of online access - allowing access on hospital computers and portable internet enabled devices - makes these online editions a must have for hospital libraries.

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Oxford Medical Textbooks Online

Oxford Medical Textbooks Online distil the knowledge and experience of the world's leading medical scientists, providing reviews of current knowledge based on the best available evidence and published literature, and relating this knowledge to the practice of medicine. They are an essential component of every medical library and are indispensable for physicians. The online editions of the Oxford Medical Textbooks cover a wide-range of specialties, with new titles publishing throughout the year. Each title provides an enhanced version of its print counterpart, with enlargeable hi-resolution images, which can be downloaded into PowerPoint, and links to references and further reading material.

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Oxford Medical Textbooks Online

Oxford Handbooks Online in Neuroscience brings together the world's leading scholars to write review essays that evaluate the current thinking on a field or topic, and make an original argument about the future direction of the debate. Currently in preview Oxford Handbooks Online in Neuroscience is updated monthly, growing with the field over time and becoming a premier source for sophisticated reviews on cutting-edge topics. Editor in Chief Gordon M. Shepherd, Professor of Neurobiology at Yale Medical School, and an Editorial Board of subject experts have additionally been appointed to guide editorial development and ensure that scholarship meets the highest standards for academic quality.
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Oxford Quick Reference

A core foundation of 135+ academic subject, language, and quotations dictionaries providing carefully vetted, trusted short-entry content.

  • A monthly updating program--led by Oxford’s experienced reference staff, external academic advisors, and based on user feedback--checks and revises articles for top levels of accuracy and timeliness
  • 3 major content releases a year add new titles and editions
  • Available by annual subscription to individuals and institutions
  • New exclusive, online-only dictionaries widen the coverage of areas of study and research
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Oxford Reference Library

200+ in-depth, specialized titles from Oxford’s award-winning Encyclopedias and Companions, and a selection of partner publishers’ scholarly works.

  • New titles and editions are added throughout the year, as they publish in print
  • Title-by-title purchasing options allows institutions to build and customize their collections with the subjects they need.
  •  Includes some of Oxford’s most well-known, most visited titles including The Grove Dictionary of American Music, 2nd edition and the Oxford Classical Dictionary, 4th edition.
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Oxford Reference Library: Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History

From the big bang to the 21st century, this renowned encyclopedia provides an integrated view of human and universal history. Eminent scholars examine environmental and social issues by exploring connections and interactions made over time (and across cultures and locales) through trade, warfare, migrations, religion, and diplomacy.

Over 100 new articles, and 1,200 illustrations, photos, and maps from the collections of the Library of Congress, the World Digital Library, the New York Public Library, and many more sources, make this second edition a vital addition for world history-focused classrooms and libraries.

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Oxford Reference Online Premium

Subscribe to the Oxford Reference Premium package and receive all the titles in the foundational Quick Reference plus a selection of more in-depth, single-volume works from Reference Library, many of them being Oxford Companions.

  • Provides the best Oxford content for both quick fact-checking and deeper research
  • All 25 core subject areas represented across hundreds of titles
  • Includes all the continuous updating and exclusive online-only content provided by the Oxford Quick Reference collection, together with a critical selection of Oxford's more specialized titles.
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Oxford Reference Premium: Literature Collection

Oxford Reference Premium: Literature Collection is an add-on to Oxford Reference Online Premium. The collection contains 14 titles.

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Oxford Reference Premium: Western Collection

Oxford Reference Premium: Western Collection is an add-on to Oxford Reference Online Premium. The collection contains 7 titles.

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Oxford Reports on International Criminal Law

Oxford Reports on International Law has set new standards for currency and coverage of public international case law, reporting on international courts, domestic courts, and ad hoc tribunals. The case reports include the full text of each decision, headnote, as well as analytical commentary and English translations of key non-English decisions. With reports on over 4,000 cases, Oxford Reports on International Law is now rightly regarded as a must-have resource for the international law researcher.

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Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts

Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts has set new standards for currency and coverage of public international domestic courts. The case reports include the full text of each decision, headnote, as well as analytical commentary and English translations of key non-English decisions.

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Oxford Research Encyclopedia:African History

Substantive, peer-reviewed, and regularly updated, the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History combines the speed and flexibility of digital with the rigorous standards of academic publishing. The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History is currently available to institutions worldwide via subscription and perpetual access and to individuals via subscription. The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History is part of the larger online Oxford Research Encyclopedia, a dynamic digital encyclopedia continuously updated by the world’s leading scholars and researchers.

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Oxford Research Encyclopedia: American History

Substantive, peer-reviewed, and regularly updated, the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History combines the speed and flexibility of digital with the rigorous standards of academic publishing.

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Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Climate Science

Substantive, peer-reviewed, and regularly updated, the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science combines the speed and flexibility of digital with the rigorous standards of academic publishing. The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science is currently available to institutions worldwide via subscription and perpetual access and to individuals via subscription.

The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science is part of the larger online Oxford Research Encyclopedia, a dynamic digital encyclopedia continuously updated by the world’s leading scholars and researchers.

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Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Communication

Substantive, peer-reviewed, and regularly updated, the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication combines the speed and flexibility of digital with the rigorous standards of academic publishing. The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication is currently available to institutions worldwide via subscription and perpetual access and to individuals via subscription.

The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication is part of the larger online Oxford Research Encyclopedia, a dynamic digital encyclopedia continuously updated by the world’s leading scholars and researchers.

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Oxford Research Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia of Social Work

Co-published by the National Association of Social Workers and Oxford University Press, the 20th edition of the Encyclopedia of Social Work is widely considered the cornerstone of reference in its field. This new edition includes coverage of areas that have come to the fore since the 1995 publication of the 19th edition, including demographic changes from immigration, technology, the implications of managed care, faith-based assistance, evidence-based practice, gerontology, and trauma and disaster.

The Encyclopedia contains four hundred subject entries and two hundred brief biographies of key figures in the history of social work. Clearly arranged in A-Z format, each article is fully cross-referenced and includes a select bibliography to guide interested readers to primary sources and the most important scholarly works on a given subject. The work also includes a comprehensive index and topical outline. Comprehensive in coverage and international in scope, the Encyclopedia is a valuable resource to social work practitioners, scholars, and students alike.

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Oxford Research Encyclopedia: International Studies

Substantive, peer-reviewed, and regularly updated, the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies combines the speed and flexibility of digital with the rigorous standards of academic publishing. The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies is currently available to institutions worldwide via subscription and perpetual access and to individuals via subscription.

The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies is part of the larger online Oxford Research Encyclopedia, a dynamic digital encyclopedia continuously updated by the world’s leading scholars and researchers.

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Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Latin American History

Substantive, peer-reviewed, and regularly updated, the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History combines the speed and flexibility of digital with the rigorous standards of academic publishing.

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Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Physics (ORE)

On January 30, after a successful free period during development, the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Physics has been made available via subscription and perpetual access to libraries and institutions worldwide.

Working with an international community of scholars, the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Physics provides a collection of in-depth, peer-reviewed summaries on a variety of topics across physics. Developed in partnership with the American Institute of Physics and led by Editor in Chief Professor Brian Foster, this research encyclopedia offers background and critical perspectives for researchers who are seeking an authoritative grounding in unfamiliar physics subjects.

The following physics articles will remain free to access which means you can sample summaries from a diverse range of topics today:

Browse all ORE physics articles

The Oxford Research Encyclopedias (OREs) offer long-form overview articles written, peer-reviewed, and edited by leading scholars. The OREs are available by annual subscription or individual purchase to libraries and institutions, so ask your librarian if you have access. If you don’t, then recommend this essential resource to your librarian today. If you're a librarian, explore Subscriber Services to learn how to provide access to the OREs for your institution.

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Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Oxford Classical Dictionary

With over 6,000 entries on a range of topics, and monthly updates with new and revised content, the Oxford Classical Dictionary remains an unrivaled single-source reference for the study of the Greco-Roman world.

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Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Social Work

The Encyclopedia of Social Work is the first continuously updated online collaboration between the National Association of Social Workers (NASW Press) and Oxford University Press (OUP). Building off the classic reference work, a valuable tool for social workers for over 85 years, the online resource of the same name offers the reliability of print with the accessibility of a digital platform. Over 400 overview articles, on key topics ranging from international issues to ethical standards, offer students, scholars, and practitioners a trusted foundation for a lifetime of work and research, with new articles and revisions to existing articles added regularly.

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Oxford Scholarly Authorities in International Law

Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law brings a major new dimension to our offerings for scholars and practitioners working in public international law. Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law contains full-text online editions of market-leading reference works and treatises published by Oxford University Press, such as Oppenheim, and the Oxford Commentaries on International Law.

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Oxford Scholarly Editions: Greek Poetry (OSEO)

20 new titles have been added to Oxford Scholarly Editions Online in the January 2024 update, including to our two new modules - Greek Prose, and Greek Poetry. 

The new Greek Poetry module has had 8 initial titles added, including: 

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Oxford Scholarly Editions: Greek Prose (OSEO)

20 new titles have been added to Oxford Scholarly Editions Online in the January 2024 update, including to our two new modules - Greek Prose, and Greek Poetry. 

The new Greek Prose module has had 11 initial titles added, including: 

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Oxford Scholarly Editions Online

Available for the first time online, Oxford’s scholarly editions provide trustworthy, annotated primary texts for scholars and students.

OSEO currently includes writers active between the 8th and 20th century, plus Classical Latin and Greek authors — from Aristotle, Austen, Bentham, Catullus, Dickens, and Donne through to Plato, Virgil, Homer and Wordsworth. It contains over 1,750 scholarly editions — the equivalent of more than 870,000 print pages.

Getting started:

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Read & Publish

The Oxford University Press Read and Publish Agreement is available to academic, medical, and special libraries. Each member has the option to opt-in to the agreement with their own specific price. Each participating member needs to subscribe to the full journals collection. Members can join the agreement at any time.

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The Continuum Companion to Twentieth Century Theatre

This exciting theatre companion, edited by a former literary manager of the Royal Shakespeare Company, includes over 2500 entries that range widely over theatre in the last century. It features not only exceptional scholarly entries, but a series of fascinating boxed essays written by active professional theatre insiders, including Arnold Wesker writing on playwriting, Ben Kingsley on preparing a part, and Daniel Massey on performing Shaw.

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The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature (3 ed.)

The third edition of The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature is the complete and authoritative reference guide to the classical world and its literary heritage. It not only presents the reader with all the essential facts about the authors, tales, and characters from ancient myth and literature, but it also places these details in the wider contexts of the history and society of the Greek and Roman worlds. With an extensive web of cross-references and a useful chronological table and location maps (all of which have been brought fully up to date), this volume traces the development of literary forms and the classical allusions which have become embedded in our Western culture.

Extensively revised and updated since the second edition was published in 1989, the Companion acknowledges changes in the focus of scholarship over the last twenty years, through the incorporation of a far larger number of thematic entries such as medicine, friendship, science, freedom (concept of), and sexuality. These topical entries provide an excellent starting point to the exploration of their subjects in classical literature; after all, for many aspects of classical society the literature we have inherited is the primary (and sometimes the only) source material. Additions and changes have been made taking into account the advice of teachers and lecturers in Classics, ensuring that current educational needs are catered for.

In addition to newly covered topics, the Companion still plays to its traditional strengths, with extensive biographies of classical literary figures from Aeschylus to Zeno; entries on a multitude of literary styles from biography and rhetoric to lyric poetry and epic, encompassing everything in between; and character entries and plot summaries for the major figures and myths in the classical canon. It is the ideal guide for students in Classics, and for all who are passionate about the vast and varied literary tradition bequeathed to us from the classical world.

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The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church

Uniquely authoritative and wide-ranging in its scope, The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church is the indispensable reference work on all aspects of the Christian Church. It contains over 6,500 cross-referenced A-Z entries, and offers unrivalled coverage of all aspects of this vast and often complex subject, from theology; churches and denominations; patristic scholarship; and the bible; to the church calendar and its organization; popes; archbishops; other church leaders; saints; and mystics.

In this new edition, great efforts have been made to increase and strengthen coverage of non-Anglican denominations (for example non-Western European Christianity), as well as broadening the focus on Christianity and the history of churches in areas beyond Western Europe. In particular, there have been extensive additions with regards to the Christian Church in Asia, Africa, Latin America, North America, and Australasia. Significant updates have also been included on topics such as liturgy, Canon Law, recent international developments, non-Anglican missionary activity, and the increasingly important area of moral and pastoral theology, among many others.

Since its first appearance in 1957, the ODCC has established itself as an essential resource for ordinands, clergy, and members of religious orders, and an invaluable tool for academics, teachers, and students of church history and theology, as well as for the general reader.

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The Oxford Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature and Culture: 3-Volume Set

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature and Culture guides both established scholars and readers new to this field through the extensive landscape of Asian American writing and cultural production. Along with literary works from the late-19th century to the 21st century, the Oxford Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature and Culture covers a wide-ranging selection of Asian American theatre, dance, music, visual arts, film, television, and media.

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The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latina and Latino Literature: 2-volume set

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latina and Latino Literature offers a sweeping introduction to a variety of genres and themes in Latina/o literature from its Latin American origins in the precolonial period to contemporary texts and perspectives. The collection illustrates the historical, social, and political contexts in which successive generations of Latina and Latino authors have written, exploring the interrelationship between geography, national origin, race, gender, sexuality, and other cultural and ethnic identities.

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The Oxford Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion: 3-Volume Set

This two-volume encyclopedia brings together leading scholars to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date resource on politics and religion ever produced. In this extensive resource, readers will find authoritative overviews of the key topics, theories, and findings in religion and politics.

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The Oxford Encyclopedia of Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology is a double volume, in-depth, up-to-date scholarly reference work written by leading scholars from across the globe. The study of human psychomotor performance spans numerous activities including sport, performing arts, surgery, firefighting, law enforcement, military operations, and physical activity participation. In addition, research questions address factors that influence optimal performance as well as the adoption and maintenance of physical activity for mental and physical health.

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The Oxford Encyclopedia of Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology

An in-depth, up-to-date scholarly reference text for the state of knowledge development in sport, exercise, and performance psychology. The text includes articles that address human performance in sport, performing arts, surgery, firefighting, law enforcement, military operations, and physical activity participation. Topics include an analysis of the factors that influence optimal performance as well as the adoption and maintenance of physical activity for mental and physical health. 

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The Oxford Handbook of Aquinas

a guide to Aquinas's thinking on almost all the major topics on which he wrote in addition to documenting Aquinas's life and work, it includes contributions that explain the Greek, patristic, Jewish, and Islamic influences on Aquinas's thought contains entries that show the historical reception and development of Aquinas's thought
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The Oxford Handbook of Aristotle

The Handbook reflects the broad range of activity Aristotelian studies comprises today In some chapters, contributors seek to understand Aristotle in his time and place while others seek to place him into direct conversation with contemporary philosophers and their present-day concerns Includes an introduction to Aristotle's life and works written by the volume editor
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The Oxford Handbook of Asian American History

No other book has assembled so many specialists to engage such a diversity of topics and issues on Asian American history Offers unique perspectives on the process of "becoming Americans" in the continuum between "yellow peril" and the "model minority" Links the study of Asian American history to contemporary issues such as globalization, politics, immigration politics, and international adoption
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The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies

A state-of-the-art survey of contemporary Biblical Studies Represents the diversity found in current scholarship Invaluable for both academics and students Features forty-five specially written contributions by an outstanding international team The most comprehensive and authoritative guide available Part of the prestigious Oxford Handbooks series
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The Oxford Handbook of Calvin and Calvinism

Addresses the complexities of assessing the influence of one sixteenth-century figure on a religious tradition still very much alive across the globe The contributions draw on the latest research that draws together theological, lived, and cultural influences on a dynamic religious movement Offers fresh perspectives on Calvin's thought and influence and explores the broad spectrum in which they have been manifested over four hundred years in doctrine, institutions, literature, art, politics, and popular culture Places the legacy of Calvin in the context of the many other figures and influences that shaped Calvinism
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The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Linguistics

Offers a broad and comprehensive coverage of Chinese linguistics Contains eight sections: history, languages and dialects, language contact, morphology, syntax, phonetics and phonology, socio-cultural aspects and neuro-psychological aspects
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The Oxford Handbook of Christology

Provides a detailed exploration of Christology, from the beginnings of Christianity to present day Examines the best biblical and historical scholarship and offers dynamic new perspectives Brings together the latest research in Biblical, Patristic, Medieval, Reformation, and Systematic Christology Concludes with sections concerning Christology and the arts and Christological norms
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The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Psychology

This handbook’s 64 articles cover all aspects of cognition, spanning perceptual issues, attention, memory, knowledge representation, language, emotional influences, judgment, problem solving, and the study of individual differences in cognition. Additional articles turn to the control of complex actions and the social, cultural, and developmental context of cognition. The authors include a mix of well-established influential figures and younger colleagues in order to gain an understanding of the field's forward trajectory. The volume also includes a mix of "tutorial" articles and chapters that powerfully represent a particular research team's point of view.
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The Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies in Learning and Cognition

In recent years, the intersection of cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, and neuroscience regarding deaf individuals has received increasing attention from a variety of academic and educational audiences. Both research and pedagogy have addressed questions about whether deaf children learn in the same ways that hearing children learn, how signed languages and spoken languages might affect different aspects of cognition and cognitive development, and the ways in which hearing loss influences how the brain processes and retains information. There are now several preliminary answers to these questions, but there has been no single forum in which research into learning and cognition is brought together. The Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies in Learning and Cognition aims to provide this shared forum, focusing exclusively on learning, cognition, and cognitive development from theoretical, psychological, biological, linguistic, social-emotional, and educational perspectives. Each chapter includes state-of-the-art research conducted and reviewed by international experts in the area. Drawing the research together, this volume allows synergy among ideas that possess the potential to move research, theory, and practice forward.

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The Oxford Handbook of Digital Technology and Society

Up-to-date overview of digital technology and society from a variety of perspectives Computer-aided, in-depth literature reviews and sources for deeper insights, research results, and theoretical foundations Interdisciplinary findings across politics, identity, communication, health and well-being, data science, and governance and security
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The Oxford Handbook of English Grammar

This handbook provides an authoritative, critical survey of current research and knowledge in the grammar of the English language. Following an introduction from the editors, the volume’s expert contributors explore a range of core topics in English grammar, beginning with issues in grammar writing and methodology.

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The Oxford Handbook of Eschatology

This book provides an important critical survey of eschatology from a variety of perspectives—biblical, historical, theological, philosophical, and cultural. Eschatology is the study of the last things—death, judgment, the afterlife, and the end of the world. Through centuries of Christian thought, from the early Church fathers through the Middle Ages and the Reformation, these issues were of the utmost importance. In other religions, eschatological concerns were also central. After the Enlightenment, many religious thinkers began to downplay the importance of eschatology which, in light of rationalism, came to be seen as something of an embarrassment. The twentieth century, however, saw the rise of phenomena that placed eschatology back at the forefront of religious thought. From the rapid expansion of fundamentalist forms of Christianity, with their focus on the end times, to the proliferation of apocalyptic new religious movements, to the recent (and very public) debates about suicide, martyrdom, and paradise in Islam, interest in eschatology is once again on the rise. In addition to its popular resurgence, in recent years some of the world's most important theologians have returned eschatology to its former position of prominence.

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The Oxford Handbook of Evangelical Theology

Comprehensive examination of evangelical theology by leading scholars and theologians
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The Oxford Handbook of Hobbes

Many of the contributors are among the most distinguished scholars on Hobbes's thought The breadth of disciplines represented by the contributors -- across philosophy, political science, history, and literature -- is unusual in books on Hobbes Several of the chapters overlap in fruitful ways, so that the reader can see the richness and depth of Hobbes's thought from a variety of perspectives
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The Oxford Handbook of International Relations

The only fully comprehensive ten-volume survey of the whole discipline Not just a review of the discipline, but a major contribution to it Engagingly written by an illustrious team of international contributors
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The Oxford Handbook of Isaiah

Offers insight from a religiously and geographically diverse roster of scholars into the broad spectrum of global engagement with Isaiah Provides easily accessible and high quality scholarship to academics and laypeople alike Offers up-to-date scholarship from recognized experts on the book of Isaiah
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The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Studies

The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Studies reflects the current state of scholarship in the field as analyzed by an international team of experts in the different and varied areas represented within contemporary Jewish Studies. Unlike recent attempts to encapsulate the current state of Jewish Studies, the Oxford Handbook is more than a mere compendium of agreed facts; rather, it is an exhaustive survey of current interests and directions in the field.
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The Oxford Handbook of Jonathan Edwards

Offers a state-of-the-art summary of scholarship on Edwards Features 37 contributions by a diverse, interdisciplinary cast of scholars Includes articles on Edwards' reception on every major continent, written by leading Edwards scholars who are native to and based on all six major continents
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The Oxford Handbook of Nineteenth-Century Christian Thought

Presents a comprehensive account of the most significant figures in theology and philosophy, movements, and developments of thought that emerged in the long nineteenth century Offers a fresh approach to the diverse sites and variegated role of the Christian intellectual tradition in the nineteenth century Provides an informative overview of a period whose pioneering ideas continue to have an impact on contemporary theology
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The Oxford Handbook of Plato

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The Oxford Handbook of Reformed Theology

A comprehensive study of reformed theology, spanning historical contexts to contemporary discussions Contributors provide a range of theological chapters to assess representative texts of the reformed tradition Explores the intricate ties between patristic, medieval, and modern thought and reformed theology
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The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Race in American History

First major collection of essays on religion and race since elections of Barack Obama and Donald Trump Contains essays by top scholars whose work on everything from African American religions to Japanese American internment has shaped the field in the past decade
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The Oxford Handbook of Sacramental Theology

Provides a multi-faceted introduction to sacramental theology Introduces readers to the historical roots and development of Christian sacramental worship Written by an international team of authors who are leading practitioners of the discipline
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The Oxford Handbook of Spinoza

This volume is distinctive in the range of topics it covers on Spinoza and in the way it systematically details Spinoza's influence on later philosophers and on philosophical movements Collates essays from the world's leading specialists on Spinoza Asserts boldly an interpretation of Spinoza as a radical rationalist deeply committed to the Principle of Sufficient Reason (PSR) As a philosopher who inspired Enlightenment thinking and who ushered in the age of rationalism, Spinoza's values are now more relevant than ever
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The Oxford Handbook of Systematic Theology

Provides an introductionary overview of Christian systematic theology followed by thirty-seven original and authoritative surveys of current research topics Offers expert guidance as well as creative suggestions about the future direction of the study of Christian doctrine Written by an international team of authors who are leading practitioners of the discipline A comprehensive guide that will be invaluable to both researchers and students
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The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Levant

Provides an overview and contextualises the archaeology of the entire region of the Levant, spanning from the Neolithic to the Persian period Includes contributions from leading international scholars in the field and presents a wide range of approaches Illustrated throughout with 240 in-text images
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The Oxford Handbook of the Historical Books of the Hebrew Bible

Offers a wide range of interpretive perspectives and methodological approaches to key questions concerning the Historical Books Touches on all major interpretive issues for the Historical Books and incorporates newer approaches and concerns such as trauma theory, gender analysis, and economic studies Provides a particular window into the reception of the Historical Books and key elements within them.
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The Oxford Handbook of the Psalms

Represents diverse approaches, theories, and disciplines Points to future trajectories of research on the Psalms Offers vast bibliographical coverage of past and present scholarship
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The Oxford Handbook of the Trinity

Provides a valuable ecumenical overview of the key theological and philosophical discussions relating to the Trinity Charts the development of theological doctrine from the new testament writings through the patristic medieval, Reformation, modern, and contemporary periods of Trinitarian reflection Includes systematic essays on the major topics in contemporary Trinitarian theology Reflects on the practical import of Trinitarian theology in the liturgy, art, and politics
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The Oxford Handbook of Timbre

First large-scale edited volume devoted to the study of timbre Brings together a wide range of cross-disciplinary approaches Covers a broad range of musical repertoires and genres Includes a companion website with audio examples and color illustrations
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Treaties and International Agreements Online

Oxford Treaties and International Agreements Online contains current and accurate text for over 17,000 treaties and international agreements in over 40 topical categories.

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University Press Scholarship Online

University Press Scholarship Online is a vast and rapidly expanding cross-searchable library which now offers quick and easy access to the full-text of over 9,000 monographs in 20 subject areas covering the humanities, social sciences, science, medicine, and law.

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Very Short Introductions

Very Short Introductions are the perfect starting point to a wide variety of subjects: from Climate to Consciousness, Game Theory to Ancient Warfare, Privacy to Islamic History, Globalization to Literary Theory. They are now available online, offering scholars and students OUP's premier publishing series in an easily discoverable, fully cross-searchable, and highly accessible format. This online resource brings together over 300 titles from this well-known and established series.

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What Everyone Needs to Know® (WENTK)

What Everyone Needs to Know® (WENTK) series is now available in an easily discoverable, fully cross-searchable, and highly accessible online platform, available via perpetual access for institutions.

The series offers over one hundred volumes of balanced and authoritative information on complex issues from a wide range of disciplines including such varied topics as Animal Rights, the Internet of Things, and Vaccines. Written by leaders in their field, each work helps make complex conundrums digestible and comprehensible, using a concise question and answer format.

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Who's Who

Who’s Who, published annually since 1849 and the first biographical book of its kind, is among the world‘s most recognised and respected works of reference. It contains over 33,000 short biographies, continually updated, of living noteworthy and influential individuals, from all walks of life, worldwide. Approximately one thousand new entries are added every year.

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Who's Who & Who Was Who

Subscribers to Who's Who can also choose to subscribe to Who Was Who, an invaluable historical archive going back to 1897, which includes the entries of over 90,000 people, now deceased, who were included in previous editions of Who's Who. The online edition contains links to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography available to subscribers to both resources.

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