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Notes from the Executive Director – October 2018

Often historical events, when viewed in the rear-view mirror, seem like they had to happen the way they did. The chain of cause and effect seems to have been predetermined. Most of the time, when lived through, it’s not nearly so tidy. So it was with the Dutch Republic at the turn of the 17th …Read more »

Community Engagement Summit gathered, energized, and inspired

The culmination of the Michigan Libraries Engage project, a partnership of MCLS and the Library of Michigan (with some federal funding from the Institute of Museum & Library Services) was a Community Engagement Summit, held on September 27, 2018, in East Lansing, Michigan. The Summit brought together many of the 150 members of the cohorts …Read more »

2018 Membership Ballot: Slate of Nominees

The MCLS Board of Directors has accepted the Nominating Committee’s proposed slate of candidates for the five seats whose terms expire at the end of December 2018. Electronic voting to approve the slate of candidates begins on September 17. All Member Representatives should receive an email on September 17 with voting instructions. Votes will be …Read more »