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Meet the MCLS trainers: Christina Wray

Christina Wray is currently the Digital Learning and Engagement Librarian at the University of Central Florida. Previously, she was the librarian at the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, where she had the opportunity to explore the ways in which libraries positively impact the lives of people with disabilities every day. She earned her MS.Ed. …Read more »

MCLS now offering Taylor & Francis eJournals

Did you know that as an MCLS member, your institution may be eligible for a discount on Taylor & Francis eJournal libraries and subject collections? MCLS is pleased to partner with Taylor & Francis to offer exclusive discounts to our member base across the following broad eJournal offerings: • T&F Social Science & Humanities Library …Read more »

EBSCO and ProQuest databases open to new subscribers

MCLS has partnered with EBSCO and ProQuest to provide substantial discounts on several products that renew each July. Now is a great time to start a new subscription to one or more of these databases. If you would like a quote or more information, contact Chrystal Pickell at or (800) 530-9019 ext 401.

Notes from the Executive Director – April 2019

For the majority of my 25-year library career to date, I’ve worked for one library at a time, from health sciences to academic, learning along the way. Now, I work to help and support nearly 700 libraries in two states, including the Indiana State Library and the Library of Michigan. Talk about a learning opportunity! …Read more »