MCLS will be closed for Labor Day on Monday, September 5, 2011.
MCLS will be closed for Labor Day on Monday, September 5, 2011.
At the board meeting on August 17, 2011, the MCLS Board accepted the Nominating Committee’s proposed slate of candidates for the five open seats on the 2012 Board. The following slate will be presented to the membership for approval this fall: Academic/Indiana – Janet Fore, Library Director Cushwa-Leighton Library, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana …Read more »
Welcome Lenawee County Library! MCLS is pleased to announce that Lenawee County Library is joining the Michigan Evergreen shared integrated library system. MCLS staff, Megan Dudek and Evette Atkin, will train Lenawee County Library staff later this fall, with a migration date in January 2012. Our Michigan Evergreen shared catalog is open for additional libraries …Read more »
Librarians from eight academic libraries met at MCLS on July 22, 2011, to begin formation of the Shared Monographic Print Storage Pilot Project. MCLS is facilitating the project for member libraries, with the goal of using a collaborative approach to reduce local expenditures while maintaining access to monographic titles. The pilot will develop a distributed, …Read more »
The CINAHL and NoveList databases will not be available through MeL beginning October 1, 2011. Please contact MCLS at no later than September 15 if you are interested in joining a group purchase for either of these databases.
More than 90 librarians from Indiana public libraries gathered at The Flagship in Anderson, Indiana, on August 9 to attend The Future of Indiana Public Libraries Conference co-sponsored by IPLA, ILF and MCLS. This conference marked the first step in planning for the successful future of public libraries in Indiana. IPLA will continue the planning …Read more »
Library Clouds and Content: 2011 MCLS Annual Membership meeting will be held at LCC West in Lansing, Michigan, on October 6, 2011. Featured speakers include Erik Mitchell from Wake Forest University, Andy Bush of OCLC, and Matt Weaver of Library Renewal. For details and to register online to attend in person, see the MCLS Registration …Read more »
Mango Languages is an annual subscription product that offers in-house and remote access to 49 languages as varied as Hebrew, Finnish, and Cantonese and gives patrons a unique way to learn a foreign language at their own pace using an engaging, comprehensive teaching approach. Mango’s Intuitive Language Construction methodology simulates the way people learn when …Read more »
MCLS is offering a group purchase for substantial savings on ASTM Standards and Engineering Digital Library (SEDL). SEDL covers a broad range of engineering disciplines such as aerospace, nuclear, petroleum, soil science, and many more, represented within publications such as ASTM standards (all 13,000!), manuals, and Special Technical Publications (STPs). Academic libraries can try SEDL …Read more »
The August-September 2011 issue of MCLS News is now available online. See this issue for information on the July 15 membership meeting, RIDES, MeL, MCLS special programs and upcoming training, group purchasing offers, Michigan Evergreen, and more. For links to back issues of MCLS News and to subscribe or unsubscribe from MCLS News email list, …Read more »