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OCLC Estimated Usage Reminder: July 31 deadline for pre-payment credit

Reminder: if your library’s OCLC Estimated Usage payment is due in July, the deadline to receive a pre-payment credit is July 31, 2011. [Note: this does not apply to libraries whose payments are due in October.]

The annual MCLS/OCLC Estimated Usage Invoices for Cataloging Members, and ILL Renewal Notices for ILL-only Members, were mailed to the Estimated Usage Contacts on Thursday April 21, 2011.  In the event that the Estimated Usage Contact at your library did not receive the Estimated Usage Invoice or ILL Renewal Notice from MCLS, please request a copy via e-mail to Janet LaCross, MCLS Business Manager. In your e-mail request, please include the name of your Institution and your OCLC Symbol. Janet can be reached via e-mail at