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Indiana Public Libraries – Mark Your Calendars for August 9!

MCLS, ILF, and IPLA are working in partnership to co-host a “futuring” conference for Indiana public libraries on August 9, 2011. The conference, which will be held at the Flagship in Anderson, Indiana, will focus on planning for the future of Indiana public libraries. Directors, managers, and librarians from Indiana public libraries are encouraged to attend.

Our keynote presenter will be Cathy DeRosa of OCLC, speaking on the Perceptions of Libraries, 2010, report. Following the keynote, library consultants from Hartzell-Mika Consulting will facilitate group discussion and planning activities.  Attendees will have a full day to brainstorm with colleagues to begin the process of mapping out the future of Indiana public libraries.  At the end of the day, participants will discuss “next steps” for the planning process.

Watch ILF’s website for online registration information and further details. We will also post updates on MCLS News.