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MCLS move to Consortia Manager for subscription management

In July 2022, MCLS will transition to Consortia Manager (CM) as its subscription management system. CM is a commercial product specific to consortia and used worldwide by more than 40 consortia. It offers numerous benefits to both MCLS members and MCLS staff, including improved data management, robust reporting capabilities, and more opportunities for members to engage with their subscription information.

To facilitate this transition and the required data migration, the current MCLS subscription system, MemberBuild, will be unavailable from June 20 through July 4. This means all activity for July subscriptions must be completed by June 17. Live training sessions conducted by CM staff for MCLS members will be held in July and September with recorded sessions available in between.

MCLS looks forward to using Consortia Manager! We are mindful that the transition will be a process for all. Detailed training information will be shared in the upcoming weeks and outlined in the June newsletter.