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MCLS membership renewal time is approaching

MCLS will be sending out a membership renewal email reminder to key contacts (directors, billing contacts, and primary contacts) in early May for schools and early June for all other libraries. This email offers an opportunity to respond with any changes to your membership and to provide updated contact information ahead of our July 1 renewal date. Invoices …Read more »

Register for the MCLS Spring eResources Meeting for academic and medical libraries

It is time to “think spring” and that includes registering for the MCLS Spring eResources meeting for academic and medical libraries scheduled for Friday, April 12, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Eastern (8-11:30 a.m. Central). We’ll meet virtually again this year and hear from vendors with upcoming eJournal renewals including Oxford eJournals, Sage Premier, and Wiley Online Library. …Read more »

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