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New offers from ProQuest: genealogy and newspaper products and O’Reilly workforce resources

If your library is looking to add new resources this year, particularly in genealogy or newspapers (historical or recent, national, or state collections) or considering a workforce development platform for your patrons, consider these resource offers from ProQuest:

  1. If you have access or an active subscription to any genealogy databases (Ancestry Library Edition, HeritageQuest, and Fold3), you can add World at 45% off. You can also add any one of those three databases for 35% off if you have at least one as an active subscription.
  2. Receive a 25-35% discount on ProQuest state, regional, and national collections—either historical or recent—including US Major Dailies, US and Global Newsstream, and Historical Newspapers MI and IN state packages.
  3. Offer your patrons O’Reilly for Public Libraries workforce development product for 15-20% off with additional 60-day free access prior to committing to subscription. O’Reilly for Public Libraries contains over 50,000 eBook titles and over 30,000 video and course learning content focused on business and technology. You can learn more by watching this O’Reilly for Public Libraries overview video.

Free trials are available. For more information or to request a quote or trial, reach out to Group Purchasing at or 517-939-1382.